Our Amazing God
Children today, whether in church our outside, know little about Our Amazing God. Research says this is the first generation in American history that was not raised on Judeo-Christian philosophy. They are said to be the most biblically illiterate generation ever in our nation.
Pluralism (mixing a variety of religious beliefs and regarding all of them as equally valid and true) has invaded our society in every way, and we can no longer assume when we discuss “God” in a group setting that we’re all talking about the same one. Add this fact to another–that this generation has the lowest level of basic biblical knowledge ever in this nation.
Who is Our Amazing God?
“Our Amazing God” is an exhaustive study asking “Who is God?” It is a foundational study of the three persons of the Godhead (the Trinity). We spend a great deal of time explaining the role of each one, and how they are unique in their operation, but truly three in one.
In addition, this series teaches five more fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. These include salvation, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, Communion (the Lord’s Supper), and water baptism. They conclude with an in-depth look at how we are created in God’s image–spirit, soul, and body. We spend one entire chapter explaining what speaking in tongues is, and what it is used for.
All books are in paperback format
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