Hearing God’s Voice
Hearing God’s voice and being led by His Spirit are the most important spiritual attributes we can teach our children. If they grow up hearing God’s voice, the world of decision-making is on solid ground. It is also the doorway to the supernatural kingdom of God.
Knowing how to be led by the Spirit, and hearing God’s voice, which is the basis of godly decision-making, could save their lives in a dangerous and confusing world. Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice,” but too often we forget to teach the “lambs” what it sounds like. This series on Hearing God’s Voice Spirit filled children’s church curriculum takes kids from the basics all the way to seeing prophetic visions and dreams, and learning how to interpret them from scripture.
You will see Joel 2:28 come to pass before your eyes when “your sons and daughters prophecy.” They will also learn how to recognize the enemy’s counterfeit supernatural that attempts to mimic the Gifts of the Spirit.
All books are in paperback format
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41 in stock
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